Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem
2010 – 2020 Summary Report

10 Things We Did For The 1st Time During 2020
(and that we hope to continue...)

  • New work trends:
    Increased remote working, revised job descriptions, and modified the organization’s structure to be more agile and responsive.
  • New role for the MakeLab:  
    During the first months of the pandemic, in response to societal need, the Lab developed and produced protective masks and other types of PPE for health teams;  To support remote  schooling, the Lab developed and produced kits for students and  teachers to use at home.
  • Creating 3 new digital studios:
    Two fixed studios and one mobile, with new equipment for filming and broadcasting; Professional development to the team in online filming and instruction.
  • Live online family events:
    Live events via Zoom and Facebook Live on specific topics, during  National  Science Day,  EU Researchers Night, and holidays; Broadcasting science shows, short lectures, exhibitions  and “behind the scenes” tours- some  of which were synchronized  with activities at the museum (when it was opened to the public).
  • Podcasts for kids and their families:
    12 podcast episodes, based on scientific articles written by well-known Israeli scientists and published in the free online science magazine for kids - Frontiers for Young Minds.  The podcasts are available for free on several platforms, including Kan (the Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation), and are very popular. New series are in production.
  • Online interactive science encounters for students:
    New formats for online science encounters for students in grades 4-9  and for after-school programs. The encounters were based on experiments- using personal kits developed by the Museum’s education team- and were distributed to schools, to reduce passive learning via Zoom  and  to increase student engagement.
  • Online Young Scientists and Developers Competition:
    2020 Young Scientists and Developers Competition, scheduled to take place in mid-March at the Museum, was converted to an online format, including judging  process and final ceremony.  2021 competition will be all online based on experience gained.
  • New format for the Jerusalem Young Science Parliament:
    The youth parliament of Jerusalem 10th graders was devoted to how Israeli society will look after Covid19. A special website was created to host the lectures of experts and the discussions and recommendations of the young people. The website now serves as a resource for other schools for open dialog.
  • Israel Make Week going virtual:
    For the 4th Israel Make Education Week, a Phys-taly platform was created to host  lectures, roundtable discussions, tours, and workshops of the many different participants. The platform will become a common resource for formal and informal educators.
  • Online Professional Development  for teachers:
    Helping teachers to think with their hands, learn how to code, how to use micro: bits to integrate digital and physical works - a new professional development program  for  the latest skills that are needed for the new roles of today’s teachers.